Roadtrip 2015 Fall: Vancouver - Astoria - Bandon - Anderson - Paso Robles - Palm Desert - Morongo Valley - Sedona - Henderson - Lone Pine - Sacramento - Ashland - Newport - Astoria - Vancouver

Day 18 - Jerome

Just remember who the real King of the Red Rocks is - bud.

Believe it or not this B&B is full tonight - but the locla residents would love you to stay for dinner. Did anyone say Meatloaf??

Jerome isn't really a ghost town, but part of it is.

The ever watching eye of Jerome.

The many watching eyes of Jerome.

The Giant Spiders always seem to come out in Arizona this time of year.

Jerome's Ode to Duchamp - and local coin toss.

The Public Toilet. And they mean it.

These folks are packed and ready to go at a momoent's notice - such is life in Jerome.

We've long wondered what that big building is for. The jury is still out.

We have two road games we always play. One is "bathtub". Russ 1, Wendy 0. Only wild or feral bathtubs count. The other game is "Foto Pilic" - the person with the most chickens in a single picture wins. Wendy has a picture with dozens of chickens, but it's so blurry, you can't actually see them.

An original 1944 Death Ray, code named Project Hoboken. It shot down a UFO over Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. Everyone was surprised it worked. And then they had to scramble to cover it up. That's why it's in Jerome.

Marking progress in the Jerome firefighters charitable campaign.

The finest of the finest - Jerome Grand Hotel. It is fully booked tonight. Really.

How you know it's time to find another surgeon.

Bordello in full swing.

Today's rainbow - somewhat astonishing, as it's been pretty much a blue domer all day.

Moonrise, pink clouds.









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all images and text on this website
copyright 2014
Russel Kwan and Wendy Kwan
Vancouver BC Canada











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